About Us
About HCV Free Florida
HCV Free Florida is a program designed to address the hepatitis C disease in the State of Florida as part of the Hepatitis Elimination Project. It is a coalition of local and national partners dedicated to implementing the Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan. HCV Free Florida aims to eliminate hepatitis C and reduce the stigma faced by populations disproportionately affected by the hepatitis C virus. To promote elimination of hepatitis C, HCV Free Florida assists in providing testing for adults with high-risk of infection. Individuals who are diagnosed with hepatitis C can then be provided with effective clinical interventions in order to reduce the mortality associated with hepatitis C.
HCV Free Florida Initiatives
- to prevent new hepatitis C infections in Florida
- to raise awareness of hepatitis C as a preventative strategy toward the elimination of hepatitis C in the state of Florida
- to improve health outcomes of people diagnosed with hepatitis C.